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The continued focus at the ECC will be on providing students with a strong foundation in English Language Arts and Mathematics. In an effort to strengthen the home-school connection, the faculty will work with parents and guardians to enable them to help their children at home. Last year’s Words Their Way Parent Presentation was well received. 

The faculty at the ECC will provide ways for parents to assist their children in mathematics, including providing explanations of the CCSS and an overview of the Mc-Graw-Hill My Math series. In the classrooms, the faculty will utilize technology and manipulatives to encourage the understanding of mathematical concepts.

Utilizing writing rubrics as well as conferencing with students will encourage the increased improvement of writing as expected in the CCSS. Writing conference notes will continue to be collected and reviewed by administration.

Strengthening and increasing the amount of guided reading sessions will also be ongoing to increase student achievement through small group instruction. Students will be taught at their instructional levels with a variety of literature and informational texts. Reading conference notes and guided reading plans will continue to be collected and reviewed by administration. In addition, the students will be instructed to conduct close readings of texts in order to increase comprehension. DRA levels will demonstrate the growth of students in kindergarten and grade 1 by a minimum of 2 levels.

Assessment will be the focus of the ECC’s Professional Learning Community (PLC). The faculty will be reading articles, watching videos, sharing experiences, and increasing their professional knowledge regarding assessment in order to determine the best assessment practices to utilize with our students. The faculty will continue to use data provided by assessments to target instruction. Differentiated assessments will be encouraged, as the faculty will work with our district-created benchmarks, rubrics, and learning progressions.